Useful web pages

The School Of Life. 
This short film describes Psychotherapy and how it might be useful.

MIND The mental health charity MIND has useful information sheets about different mental health conditions. These easy to read fact sheets are very useful.

Samaritans If you feel suicidal or acutely distressed and in need of someone to talk to urgently the Samaritans are always available on the end of the telephone line.

New Dawn this is a community interest company which provides low cost counselling for individuals or couples. Some qualified some student therapists

SARSAS this is a charity specialising in support for people who have been subjected to sexual violence. they operate in Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire.


Couch Fiction by Phillipa Perry-
This graphic book illustrates the type of things which unfold in the therapy room.

Loves Executioners and other tales of psychotherapy by Irvin Yalom
Yalom writes in a poetic and accessible way to describe his cases. This can be illuminating when considering psychotherapy. He has many titles, equally good.

Counselling for Toads by Robert de Board
This is a text offered to counselling students and introduced Transactional Analysis but is accessible for people trying to understand relationships.

Brene Brown
Daring Greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent & lead

I don’t feel real- a guide to depersonalisation and derealisation by Carolyn Spring (Kindle document £)

Christopher Germer- The mindful path to self-compassion


Johnstone, L. & Boyle, M. with Cromby, J., Dillon, J., Harper, D., Kinderman, P., Longden, E., Pilgrim, D. & Read, J. (2018).
The Power Threat Meaning Framework: Towards the identification of patterns in emotional distress, unusual experiences and troubled or troubling behaviour, as an alternative to functional psychiatric diagnosis.
Leicester: British Psychological Society


Self compassion
5 minute self compassion break

Brene Brown talks about the power of vulnerability

Brene Brown talks about shame

Shifting from the drama triangle to the winners triangle

Trauma resources:
How to manage PTSD nightmares and night terrors
Carolyn Spring blogs -recovering from trauma and others

My recent articles

Thinking of changing therapist

How do you feel about your therapist?